Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog Post


                While i made this blog to promote some way or another the KOF series lately i pretty much took a break from playing the older titles and XII only left me with a bad taste in my mouth - great looking game but it feels so much as a beta - also i play other fighting games and time to time i will give my opinions on newer titles or games you might want to try out.Next up (while we wait for the KOF XIII announcement for consoles) i will post my impressions on the newer fighting games that came this year for the PS3 and about their guides (MVC3 and MK9) and a presentation of one of my favorite artbook :) Akira Club.In a few weeks (i think) i will receive an interesting book which i kept on forgetting to buy - Arcade Mania: The Turbo Charged World of Japan's Game Centers (written by Brian Ashcraft and Jean Snow) and i will make a short presentation and video of that too - the book mainly focuses on different arcade genres from crane games to shmps or how i like to call them maniac shooters :)) to fighting games in Japanese arcades - history and interviews from top players... from the reviews i saw so far it looks like an interesting read.Also I added a contact e-mail and if you have any KOF, SNK or other interesting stuff/news/tips regarding fighting games or even smups you would like to share feel free to drop a line@ kblacknoah-at-yahoo-dot-com. Take care

later edit: Arcade Mania just dropped in my mail (strange....usually books from amazon take 2-3 weeks to get here) so i guess this is the next review i'll be posting really soon :)


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