Thursday, June 16, 2011

The King of Fighters XIII dumped!

A few days ago some friend told me the game got dumped but i wasn't able to test it because my good computer  is still in repairs.Some see it as a bad situation for Playmore...personally i see it as a good thing as i said a few posts ago.This means Playmore has some good pressure to deliver a good online (i care so much about this because this is the only way i can enjoy it, locally i have no one to play because of SSF4), and also i can jump right in the game when the console port comes out because i have plenty of time to practice on the hack.If the online is the same unplayable thing as in XII i will play the hack and buy the game used...

Friday, June 10, 2011

The early death of KOF XIII ?

Gamespot has a small report about the early built of KOFX III they played at E3 and things aren't looking pretty.It seems that the online will be based on the post-patched version of KOF XII netcode.If that's really the case and Playmore will use the exact netcode this game is gonna be the last nail in the coffin for XIII.Personally i won't be preordering the game anymore and will wait for reviews about the online.I hope Atlus keeps an eye on things or i will be buying this game used for 20 $. ps: Is it that hard to just use ggpo netcode Playmore? You can read the Gamespot report here

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

KOF XIII and things to come

As you all know by now yesterday KOF XIII was listed on amazon and later on we had confirmation from both Atlus and Playmore that finally the game is being ported.While we still have almost 5..maybe 6 months to wait this is great news and the end of people going crazy and rumors flying left and right about KOF XIII not being ported and so on.The most important thing announced about the game is that it will have improved online which is a must in expanding the life of a game these days.I don't care that much about new teams and such but a good online because personally i don't have anyone here that i can play at a decent level ... so the only...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

KOF XIII hitting the ps3!!!!!

Just a quick news update and great news to many - KOF XIII is FINNALY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like i assumed atlus will be the publisher.For now it seems it will be released only for the ps...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

KOF-UK: Mystery of "..." books

      You might wanna take a look at some SNK related books kof-uk has posted on his blog.While they are mostly text (Japanese of course) there are still some nice and funny illustrations to be seen, also the theme of the books - "Mystery of ... " makes me wanna start learning japanese as they seem to be expanding the history and story of the games :) If someone has more info about these books and their character feel free to comment                     Coming up a bit later is my thoughts on...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog Post

                          While i made this blog to promote some way or another the KOF series lately i pretty much took a break from playing the older titles and XII only left me with a bad taste in my mouth - great looking game but it feels so much as a beta - also i play other fighting games and time to time i will give my opinions on newer titles or games you might want to try out.Next up (while we wait for the KOF XIII announcement for consoles) i will post my impressions on the newer fighting games that came this year for the PS3 and about their guides (MVC3 and MK9) and...

Monday, May 2, 2011

The King Of Fighters - Perfect Art Collection (very quick look)

                        I got this a while ago but i was too lazy to actual write a review for it but today i'll take some time to talk a little about it.               This mook is actually a history of the KOF series from 94 to 97 and for the most part it features character artwork/bio/history, concept art, intros and stages from the games along with an interview with someone at SNK and history for the teams (i think).There are quite a few pages of text but 99.9% of it is in Japanese.It's very interesting to get a look at the creating...

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